Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department Recruitment 2023
RDPR Karnataka Recruitment 2023: Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates for the required posts in Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department. Regarding the filling up of the posts, the duty location, educational qualification, age group, salary and other information are given below in detail, read the complete.
RDPR Karnataka Recruitment 2023: Details of Vacancies
Business Analyst
Place of Duty:
Eligible candidates selected for the posts should perform duty in Karnataka.
Number of Vacancies:
Applications are invited for filling 01 vacant posts.
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have BE/B.Tech/MCA/MSc (Computer Science/ Information Science)/ MBA educational qualification with minimum 3 years work experience.
Selected candidates will get monthly Rs. 50,000 will be paid.
Age Range:
Candidates should not be more than 45 years from the date of advertisement.
Selection Method:
Eligible candidates will be interviewed and selected for the posts.
Type of Post:
This post is purely temporary and will be recruited on outsource basis for a period of one year.
Application Procedure:
Candidate should apply for this post through offline.
Step 1 : Before submitting the application through offline read the notification issued by the department carefully and prepare the required documents to apply and then submit the application.
Step 2 : Visit the website of the department or click on the application form link given below and download the application.
Step 3 : Fill all the information mentioned in the application (such as candidate’s name, address, qualification, mobile number etc.) and check it once again.
Step 4 : Finally, if any certificate/documents are prescribed in the application, attach them (only if required) and submit the filled application to the office address given below.
Application Address:
Director, E-Governance, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, 2nd Floor, 3rd Level, Multi-Storied Building, Bangalore – 560 001
Details of prescribed application fee:
There is no application fee to apply for these posts.
Starting Date for Application Submission : August 03, 2023
Last Date for Application Submission : August 14, 2023